Thursday, December 7, 2006

T-Shirts I wish I saw worn in public

Well, on second thought I don't think I'd actually want to see this shirt on someone in public, as I'm about 100% sure a vapid alcoholic frat boy would be the one wearing it. Other than that fact, this shirt would be great to see occasionally while walking through the city or something.

Ah this shirt is so incredibly witty, in fact, too witty for its own good. Its made its round through all the internet sites, especially the gaming ones, thus over-exposing it and rendering it a gimmick instantaneously so that again, due to its sexual innuendo, only a tool of a fratboy would be seen wearing it. Then again, I have yet to see this shirt in public, either proving my above theory, or because no one feels worthy enough to wear it.

I couldn't find the site that showed this exact picture as a t-shirt, so if anyone finds it, link it in the comments. This shirt would be great to see in public, because its not related to sex or alcohol at all, therefore canceling out most frat boys, and it makes fun of emos, therefore I'd most likely like the person wearing this shirt.


This is my personal favorite, cause its creepy as hell. I can see it now, a guy wearing this shirt, a girl staring at it intently, telling the guy to stop moving so she can read it....her train of thought goes something like this "I take the "the"out of psychotherapist? hmm..psycho..rapist..omg! creep!" then she looks up to see the guy's crazy face with a huge ear-to-ear smile going "mmmmhmmmm" like Billy Bob in Slingblade.

I'm sure you've all seen all or most of these shirts before. But never in such a nice compilation with great commentary on the side. Obviously all but 1 t-shirt listed here is from


My ipod has been ghettofied

Well apparently my laptop fell out of my bed onto my ipod last night during my sleep. The lcd screen is totally screwed up, with only the far left centimeter still readable, and my itrip (the transmitter to the radio), still functions perfectly but dangles by the internal wires that connect it to the top of the ipod. So now I'll fit in a bit better with the shady ghetto neighborhood just down the street from my house...but not really, since I don't deal crack or shoot at least not on a regular basis.

On a side note, I've managed to win the hearts and minds of the boisterous viking neighborhood down the other street, when I ransacked and pillaged the asian girl's house before setting it on fire.


The Race, Pt. 1

It was a cold, blustery day in late December. A light snow had started to fall. Wally cursed himself for agreeing to this stupid race. "The most epic race ever," his friend claimed, he asked how but by then he was talking to a dial tone. Clark was waiting for Wally on the docks as the fire-engine-red Ferrari rolled to a stop. Wally chuckled as he greeted his friend, "You really think you can beat me old-timer?" "Well it's been a while since we've had an uninterrupted race, I think you'll be rather surprised." Wally's face was painted with a malicious grin as he took off his coat...a bright gold lighting bolt gleamed in the winter sun.

Clark laughed as Wally West, the Flash, stripped down to his bright red costume, "So, that's the way he wants to do it eh," Superman thought to himself. He knew Wally wouldn't want to keep this quiet so Clark was prepared, he carefully took his glasses off and removed his full-body coat. The instantly-recognizable S emblazoned across his massive chest almost seemed to glow in the sunlight. "You almost ready?," Clark asked Wally, "I was born ready."

The race would take them to every capital of the world, in alphabetical order, and would end in the North Pole. Little did they know, their epic race was to be interrupted yet again...

To be Continued....


Super Happy-Jubilant-Upbeat-Chipper-Gleeful-Jolly-Lighthearted Songs

So these are a couple ridiculously cheerful songs.

This song is "Bring It All Back" by S Club 7...this video is obviously not S Club 7 but these two girls lip synching are way better than the actual video and they are both pretty hot to boot.

The feel-good song from the 80's. Matthew Wilder had his one hit with Break My Stride. He looks like a fool in this live version on some vh-1 show....and there are some pretty gay back-up dancers.

Okay so this song isn't happy or upbeat at all...but My Chemical Romance is awesome and their new cd is go buy it. Now.


A poem, photography, and Ave Maria

Descending from above,
with bountiful love,
comes a serene white dove,
to bring to a halt,
those who are at fault,
in there ways of naught,
upon this dystopia,
to relish in euphoria,
as he sings ave maria.

el fin

Randomly wrote this poem and then came across this photographer's work. Its pretty nice stuff. Almost as nice as the poem I spent 1 minute writing on a friends profile.
Good photography

I couldn't find any streaming audio clips of Chris Cornell's rendition of Ave Maria, which is by far my favorite version of the song. So this girl will have to do, shes got a beautiful angelic voice, but she looks a bit possessed in the video to me. Kinda ironic if you ask me, but then again, I think Ave Maria is a pagan song, and obviously pagans are of the devil. So in the end it all makes sense, sing ave maria and your body could easily become a vessel for demon spirits.

Edit-forget the whole pagan thing, the Aldana informed me Ave Maria is in fact a prayer to the virgin Mary...still sounds pretty paganistic to me tho.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Comical Commercials

This commercial is so simple in concept yet so expertly executed. If amp'd didn't put out so many other incredibly lame commercials, I'd be almost convinced to get their service...but not really, at all. Their other commercials sucked so much that they put amp'd at the top of my worst phone service company list(now they're only better than vonage due to this commercial). I'm talking bout the ones with the 'edgy' bleeped out cuss-words and the ability to watch concerts on their phone, which is just as good as actually being at the concert in person!!..right?!...only a tool would subscribe to these services.

Greatest. Commercial. Ever.


More Music Videos, because they rock

For all I care right now, my term papers that are due in 4 hours can eat scissors and burn in a termite-infested hell. Therefore, I am going to post some more music videos.

This is an oldie from the mid-90s...this video basically depicts my prepubescent post pubescent imagination is basically the same thing, but with more nudity. But back then alternative/grunge music was my primary childhood music. Mixed with awesome 80s music. I knew of Europe's "The Final Countdown" song over a decade before it was made popular to the majority of my uncultured generation. One of my roommates doesn't even know the band Tears for Fears! Because of his ignorance, I unzip his ziplock bagged foods in the fridge, so they harden and go bad quicker.

The audio quality of this vid is pretty crappy, but its the only copy I could find. I love beck, especially his mellow gold and odelay cds.

The Trinity Hunt

The bright moonlight casts a silver hue over the urban landscape. An ideal setting for lovers taking a late night stroll through the park, but disastrous for those on the run from...Him; as their shadow is too easily detected by the trained eagle eyes of...Him.

He, who sees one can hide from Him

He watches from above, on roofs and treetops; as well as below, masked by overgrown grass and trench-like ditches. His so called friends, have turned on Him, and try to lure Him out by desecrating His most prized possession, a sleek and beautiful all white Anduluvian horse, named "Deville".

Lucifer turning away as he mutters "oh com'n now wtf, thats just taking it too far"

He watches as His 'friends' do unspeakably evil things to His beloved Deville, so unspeakable even Lucifer himself would mutter "oh wtf" as he turns away in disgust. His friends for sure thought this would bring Him out into the open, but He did not move from the grass. Therefore his friends thought He was not around at the moment, and began to walk away. Of course, this is what He wanted, as their guard had been let down and can more easily exact revenge upon them, one by one. He waits until all three of them get into a single car, and then, it begins...

The Ahole Trinity of 'Friends'

He runs full sprint towards the car just as it is turned on, thus drowning out the sounds of his galloping footsteps, and leaps onto the roof of the car. None of the three 'friends' suspected that He had been the cause of the muffled pound sound on the roof of the car, thinking it was just a fallen twig. When the driver began to pull out of the lot, He revealed Himself to them, by looking into the car upside down through the windshield, and letting the tire-chains drop from his hands, making an unbearable screeching sound along the hood of the car. The three 'friends' in the car collectively spoiled themselves and instantly lost control of their wits and proceeded to all rush out of the car, all going off in different directions. "The hunt...begins" He said to Himself, as he smeared Indian war-paint onto his face with his thumb.

His first prey would be the Valois(pronounced Val-wall), a tall man with an appearance similar to the Unabomber, and just as charming and cunning...but not cunning enough. Valwois made the mistake of running into the basement of a building, thinking he'd for sure be safe in such an obscure location from the public eye. It was nearly pitch black, and had a murky smell. Valwois leaned against a wall to catch his breath, when the wall apparently gave-in to his weight, causing Valwois to fall into a puddle of stagnant water. Valwois looked up to realize he was not in fact leaning against a wall, but againt the rock hard body of He Himself. Valwois could not believe his eyes, and before he could scream for help, He silenced Valwois with a quick slit of the throat by means of a broken asian dvd disc. He was gone to pursue His next prey before Valwois had collapsed to the ground.

He with Valwois, right before exacting vengeance is dealt.

Next to be visited by His vengeance, was a dirty trickster by the name of Justin. Justin is a fast and agile little bastard, but not fast enough to escape the inevitable. Justin felt he'd be safest by running through the woods back to his dwelling. Justin, however, is not one with the forest, and climbed into a tree to wait till daybreak to move on. Justin realized he wasn't alone, when he heard the word "slagula" being chanted over and over. Justin leaped out of the tree onto the ground and ran as fast as he could. But again every sound Justin heard set him off ease, causing him to face plant into a tree. Justin was dazed, but kept moving his legs in a running motion. Justin looked around and felt as though he was not moving forward, and thought it must be due to bumping his head. But then he looked down at his feet, and realized, they were not on the ground!! Justin looked behind him, and saw the He had attached a rope around his waist that lifted him into the air, unable to run. Justin gave up, ready to accept his fate, when he saw Him walking away, perhaps granting mercy upon his poor soul? Justin began to rejoice and thank Him for such compassion, when he noticed many small critters scurrying about. Rabbits!! Black rabbits with blood-red eyes began hopping furiously at Justin each taking a bite of his body until there was nothing left.

He, watching Justin pitifully try to find his way out of the forest in the dark

Last but not least to be visited by Him, was Aldana. Aldana brought to reality the jumping in the Matrix. Aldana felt he'd be safest on the rooftops of the city, jumping from one roof to the next till he reached his home. As he was hopping along the roofs, he looked behind and saw another hopping figure. Its Him! Aldana quickened his pace, jumping over the roofs of two, three, sometimes even four buildings at a time. The distance between Aldana and Him grew larger and larger, till finally Aldana could no longer see Him. Aldana only had a few more blocks to go till he'd be safe, when he saw Him crawling over the ledge like the girl from the Ring crawling out the tv. Aldana turned to run but He had whipped out the tire tracks and caught hold of Aldana's ankles. Aldana was helpless, and faced a fate similar to that of Deville. Again, Lucifer muttered to himself "oh com'n, wtf is wrong with you people" as he turned away in disgust.

Aldana trying to escape Him on the rooftops

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Music Videos of the Week - Goldfrapp

I'm a big fan of Glam Rock (T-Rex, David Bowie, Velvet Underground, and the like) for some reason, and these videos do a great job catering to my tastes. And the lead singer has a unique beauty that I'm just tickled by. As well as movements and poses that mesmerize my consciousness. Oh sweet sweet mesmerization.


awkwardness in Applebee's

As I sit with my date in Applebee's,
I shuffle and dangle my keys,
to take my mind off the awkward silence,
that tramples upon my self-esteem with valence,
How should I tell her?
That I want to end it,
My words come out with a slur,
bit by bit.
She interrupts me and begins to say,
"Those curtains would look lovely by our bed in the day"
She goes on to say "for when we move in together"
I was struck dumb,
for our relationship could be toppled by a feather,
or even a crumb.
I mistakenly blurt out "what the crap you mean 'our bed'?"
I see a change in her eyes as if her rage had been generously fed.
She Leapt out of her chair and fell onto the waiter,
"Get out of my way you peasant twit of a hater!"
She struggled to get up causing her dress to rip,
when I looked at the bill and said "what a gyp".
With a banshee-like scream she threw at me a knife,
it came at me with such speed I had no time to react,
but luckily she missed me by the width of a fife.
The lady behind me who dearly loved her cat,
lost her temper and attacked my crazy date,
at which point I left the diner to avoid a terrible fate.

Shaka Zulu --- Lyrical Rampage

Shaka Zulu (Call on me)
Shaka (Call me)
Shaka Zulu (Call on me)
Shaka (Call me)

Shaka Zulu (Call on me)
Shaka (Call me)
Shaka Zulu (Call on me)
Shaka (Call me)

Shaka Zulu
Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu
Shaka Zulu

Shaka Zulu
Shaka Zulu

Sung to the tune and beat of "Call on Me" by Eric Prydz.

Rinse and repeat.


Artist of the Month

M.C. Escher is one of my favorite artists of all time. He blends math and art to create some stunning pieces. Look him up if you want to be blown away.


Sunday, December 3, 2006

Top Ten Science Fiction Movies

Now a list of my most treasured Sci-Fi movies. Again, in no particular order, cept the first one, which will always be number 1 in my heart.

1. Bladerunner
This is the definitive epitome of sci-fi movies. Everything about it is great, directed by Ridley Scott and based off of a philip K. Dick novel-Do androids dream of electric sheep? The soundtrack, by Vangelis, is incredibly fitting to the style of the movie. It does a better job than most other movies at making one think of the value of life...if you do not like this movie, then you are trash. I haven't read the book, but I plan on it over this winter break, along with a ton of other Philip K. Dick novels.
2. Gattaca
A movie about the future of genetic-engineering, to create perfection in humans...eliminating diseases and all imperfections, and being genetically engineered in such a controlled environment from the womb, each individual knows exactly how many days they have left till their death. Ethan Hawke was born when this movement just began, and his parent's opted not to have him genetically engineered for perfection. Therefore, his dream of going into space is technically not possible due to his imperfect body. But still he tries, and takes on the identity of another man, Jude Law, who is useless to society because he became paralyzed from the waist down. Genetically though, he is perfect, and loaded with money and willing to help Hawke. And thus his pursuit to go into space begins, showing the human spirit has no limits.

The soundtrack is amazing for this movie as well, composed by Michael Nyman. And the cinematography having the great sterile look to it, as most modern sci fi movies do.
3. Alien
Another classic by the great Ridley Scott, by far the best of all the Aliens movies. Subtle and atmospheric...supposedly being the first movie to portray people in space as regular joe schmoes, and not perfectly groomed and ivy league educated elites. What I love about this movie is the slow build up and the vulnerability and fear portrayed by the crew members.
4. Terminator 2
While I thought James Cameron ruined the Alien series with Aliens, by focusing soley on the action and special fx it and having no character development..T2 was far superior to the first by having great character development to intensify the incredible action scenes. Not that the first one didn't have good character it did...T2 just had a much better and more involving storyline than the first. And of course better fx and direction.

And Linda Hamilton is smokin' hot in it. So hardcore in it. mhmmm. Probably the best heroine in a movie...not these pansy pushover looking heroines so prevalent today like all the female characters in the xmen movies(cept jean grey).
5. Solaris
I never saw the original, and don't plan to anytime soon as it seems too old and slow and boring with crappy 60s cinematography, which wouldn't matter, cept I generally associate sci-fi movies with great cinematography, at least in the case of sci-fi movies involving outerspace. Solaris is a slow movie, so watch it when your sick or something and in a comatose mood to fully appreciate. Otherwise you'll probably hate thats part of the reason I think I liked this movie so much, cause I was sick and could watch this movie passively as I came in and out of consciousness and not miss really any of the story line.

With that said, all I remember is Solaris was a planet, that had effects on the crewmembers, by incarnating people from the past. For George Clooney, it was his dead wife...or ex-g/f...I can't remember. But I remember its main theme dealt with love and loss, and it was well done. I can't remember why.
6. 12 Monkeys
Crazy Terry Gilliam, of Monty Python fame, directed this movie with Bruce willis and Brad Pitt. Its a time travel movie, where Willis is sent back in time to find out who or how a disease was released that wiped out nearly the entire human population, causing the survivors to live underground. A very different movie, as to be expected by Terry Gilliam, with great performances by all actors involved, and gives its own set of rules for time travel.
7. Dark City
Ah man, I love this movie so much. I didn't see it till about a year ago, and after watching it I was pissed that I hadn't watched it years ago. I'd pass it often in the movie store for years, just never feeling in the mood to give it a chance. But when I finally did, I was blown away. Its basically about an alien race thats dying out, that has abducted some humans to live in a city where the aliens have complete control over. At night, they implant memories into some of the humans, to make then into murderers, husbands with families, or popular celebrities...and then change the structures of the city, all for the purpose of finding out how the human soul works, or to discover its essence, in the hope that once they discover its essence, they'll be able to save their race. See this movie immediately.
8. Predator
Classic Sci-Fi movie...this movie will always have a place in my heart. Anyone who says otherwise is an emo-douche or pretentious english major...aka my roommates.
9. A Scanner Darkly
Another great movie based on a Phillip K Dick novel. Really the only sci-fi elements of this movie is that its in the future, and has narc cops that wear scrambler suits, so no one can recognize who they truly are. Its directed by Linklater, so it features his trademark animation style, whatever its called. Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey Jr have some great scenes of funny dialog.

A couple other movies made from Phillip Dick novels were I, Robot; and Minority Report. I liked both those movies as well, as I loved their main themes and ideas. As movies themselves though, I didn't find them that engaging as A Scanner Darkly or Bladerunner were. Hopefully the books will be great, I've read that Phillip Dick has a crazy style of writing, and that may turn off some readers.
10. Flatliners
Again, my weakness for 80s movies prevails. This one features Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, and one of the Baldwin Bros. They're all med school students that kill themselves temporarily to see what life after death is like. Their venture into the afterlife tho brings back a sin from their past that they have not made amends for. I loved this movie...I guess when I watch movies the things I watch for most are its main themes, and this movie's theme of redemption and forgiveness for past misdeeds was really well done and original in its execution.


Potter's Top Ten Revenge Movies

This is my list of the top ten movies where at least one of the main themes is revenge. This list is in no particular order.

1. Braveheart
One of the most satisfying scenes in this movie, is when Gibson takes down the british outpost by his village, his thirst for revenge starting the noble struggle against oppression and injustice.
2. Oldboy
This entire movie is centered on two men's obsession for revenge. Crazy movie, with incredible full orchestra music and beautiful cinematography.

3. Class of 1984
I'm a sucker for 80s movies, and I haven't seen this one in a long while, so if I see it again it may not be as good as I remember it. But basically its about a new teacher at a rough inner city high school, that has an elite group of kids that do whatever they want. When they try to teach the new teacher a lesson about who he's dealing with, the teacher flips out hardcore and sweet revenge ensues.
4. The Prestige
Another movie centralized on 2 men's obsession, one for revenge. This to me was by far one of the best movies of 2006, with masterful storytelling elements in it.
5. Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2
This movie needs no explanation. I did perfer vol 2 over vol 1, only because it focused more on dialog, and I love good dialog. The dialog may have been cheesy at times, but it was always delivered expertly.

6. The Count of Monte Cristo
I've never read the book, but I'd imagine this movie did a great job of bring the book to the screen. The beginning does a good job with character development to make you feel the Count's lust for revenge.
7. City of God
An incredible film about the ghettos of brazil in the 70s. Shows the destructive reciprocal nature of revenge and violence.
8. The Hills Have Eyes
The main, and pretty much only thing, that I liked about this movie was the brutal visceral revenge sequence. It was immensely satisfying to watch.
9. Heathers
I guess this is the hardcore dark comedy version of all the John Hughes 80s movies. Christian Slater and Winona Ryder kill off their materialistic shallow high school jocks and cheerleaders.
10. Ichi the Killer
I can't remember if this movie has anything to do with revenge, or if its just a bloody gorey movie. Nonetheless, not many people have seen it, so I'm putting it on here. The only movie by Takashii Miike that I genuinely liked, I think all his other movies are just creepy and boring.

A response to my cohort

Being busy with "school" is no excuse. Everyone has classes. Deal with it and post.


My Bday

Yesterday was in fact my 20th birthday. Yes I know I am probably one of the youngest juniors in college but that just makes me so much smarter than everyone else. For my birthday, my girlfriend and I went to Ruth's Chris Steak House. A common misconception of said steak house is that it is called Ruth Chris Steak House and Chris is a name. Well it's not. Ruth is the name of the lady who started it and Chris is actually the way the steaks are prepared. Hence the 's in Ruth's, its Ruth's...Chris Steak....House. Anyways, if you've never been, It seriously has the best steaks in the entire world. The signature of Ruth's is the sizzling, "1800 degree" plate they serve the steak on. Now I'm sure the plate isn't actually 1800 degrees, otherwise it would light everything it touched on fire...but it is a sizzling glass plate, so it is really freakin hot. Since it is a steak house I ordered steak, there is sea food on the menu but who goes to a steak house and orders sea food...honestly? Anyways I got a Filet that set me back 35 bucks and my girlfriend got a $31 Petite Filet. All sides are a la carte and cost about 8-10 bucks extra. That being said the servings are enough to feed 2 or 3 each. So you really get your moneys worth with the sides. Oh and we got this grilled shrimp appetizer that was lathered in this garlic, butter sauce...pretty amazing. So for desert I got this Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake, "compliments of the chef" for my birthday and I gotta say it is the most amazing cheesecake in existence. My girlfriend got some creme brule, which was fantastic, and a cup of cappuccino...which I didn't drink but she said was really good. All in all, the meal set me back around 138 bucks, with an $18 tip, but it was worth every single penny.
