Monday, March 12, 2007

Movie quick ratings

I need to make a list of movies that i love, i will rate them on a 0 - 10 scale, and i'll put in some movies i thought sucked, as reference points. This is just done for my own reference. Some movies i saw years ago, and upon a second viewing, i'd probably rate them differently. Anything over a 5, is worth watching, below a 5, I think its total crap. I only gave movies a 10 that I absolutely loved for whatever reason, and the movies are rated in accordance to their genre, not in accordance to all movies collectively judged.

Blade Runner - 10/10
Alien 10/10
Terminator 2 10/10
Solaris(original) - 10/10
Gattaca 9/10
Dark City 9/10
Serenity 8/10
The Fountain - 7/10
Aliens 6/10
Event Horizon 6/10

The Big Lebowski 10/10
Airplane 10/10
Theres Something about Mary 9/10
Dumb and Dumber 8/10
Four Rooms 7/10(the first 2 stories suck, the last 2 stories are hilarious)
Snakes on a Plane 1/10

Predator 10/10
The Rock 8/10
X-Men 2 8/10
Spider Man 2 8/10
300 6/10
Incredible Hulk 6/10
Sin City 6/10
X Men 3 2/10

Children of Men 10/10
The Thin Red Line 10/10
Adaptation 10/10
Zodiac 9/10
American Beauty 9/10
Heat 9/10
The Prestige 9/10
The Queen 9/10
Y Tu Mama TambiƩn 8/10
Amorres Perros 8/10
Open Water 7/10
Last King of Scotland 4/10