Thursday, March 22, 2007

How 300 would look if it were rated PG



So if you ever watched the Animaniacs, this is the guy that did Yakko's voice, and if you watched a lot of Animaniacs then this is the song that goes through every nation in the world. It is pretty amazing that he has that memorized and i bet it would be a ridiculous little trick at a cocktail party.


Weird Al is still really funny

So I used to listen to Weird Al back when I was like 10...but he is still really really funny and probably the best parody-er ever. The song is Trapped in the Drive Thru which is a parody of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet. As you may or may not know, R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet is a 5-part "epic" "song" which is really spoken melodically. Weird Al's parodies the first 3 parts so this video is almost 11 minutes long but as I's really funny because if you've ever listened to the R. Kelly song, Weird Al parodies it perfectly.


This guy plays violin like Potter wishes he could

Watch the whole thing.

In case you aren't familiar with 80's music, the two songs he plays are Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes and Smooth Criminal by MJ.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Riposte to the rebuttal




No. No Aldana, no.

300 was a better movie than zodiac could ever wish to be in its wildest fantasies

So Potter, being the confused,balding,slightly retarded mormon that he is, decided to change his feelings on 300 on a couple days of reflection. I'm here to tell you he is a little female dog. While 300 does have some shortcomings in terms of character development and the story isn't super intricate or complex. But you have to realize it was taken from a graphic novel that is about a hundred pages long...that isn't exactly the best source material to start with. I think you have to look at 300 for what it is and not compare it to other movies, which sounds stupid but it really was made to try and be as faithful as possible to the Frank Miller novel. And in that goal it was a brilliant success. I had the chance to glimpse over the actual graphic novel ( our school bookstore randomly had a copy of it) and the movie recreates it almost frame for frame. 300 was also made to be completely stunning visually, and it most definitely was...from the first battle to the last rain of arrows, 300 is a graphical epic. I disagree with Potter 100 percent. I would gladly pay to see 300 again and again.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Zodiac is an awesome movie

I saw Zodiac tonight, and it was really friggin' awesome. The plot development, acting, dialog, directing and everything else was spot on in this movie. My only gripe is it is really long, at 2 hours and 40 minutes, and it feels that long, but not in a bad way like the last 30 minutes of Return of the King. It didn't drag at all, it just had a lot to get across, and probably to convey the long passage of time from where it starts to where it ends. Se7en, Zodiac, and Silence of the Lambs are the only serial killer movies I've seen and liked. And each of those movies I liked a lot, cause they were so well done with amazing character and plot development. All other serial killer movies I've seen I thought were pretty crappy. I can't think of any examples. Oh yeah, the bone collector, all the Saw movies, some weird one with Christopher Lambert, and that one with that one guy.

On a side note, I've come to the conclusion that 300 wasn't a very good movie. Too many contrived ultra lame scenes like the queen stabbing the guy and the persian coins falling all over the place and everyone screaming traitor or the scene where the son gets his head cut off as he looks admiringly at his father. This critic from the website where I found many good foreign films at over the years said my thoughts exactly "Some of Snyder’s shot-for-shot recreations of Miller’s panels are admittedly arresting, but they feel more like graphic art writ large, splendid in their isolation from one another, than like elements of cinematic grammar. (While it was much more lively, Sin City suffered from the same formal problem, which it seems the filmmakers should have anticipated — why would you expect a string of images that are designed to work as narrative on a comic-book page to perform the same function on a movie screen?)". I don't think I could watch 300 in its entirety ever again, as theres just snippets of it that are visually dazzling, but nothing in the means of an engaging storyline.