Saturday, December 2, 2006

To my cohort

I AM HERE. I'VE JUST BEEN BUSY WITH SCHOOL WORK DUE TO MY LAZINESS THE FIRST HALF(FIRST 10 WEEKS) I HAVE ALOT OF READING AND CATCHING UP TO DO RECENTLY. The blog will continue, and it will duel with other blogs, one at a time, till there is only one left. THERE CAN BE ONLY blog.

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU HALFBREED!! Miss E.B. better have done that awesome striptease dance from 9 1/2 Weeks as I had told her to do, as thats pretty much one of the best things a girl can do for a girl on his bday. That, or that scene from risky buisness when the girl takes tom cruise on the train and tangerine dream is playing in the background. I could go on for awhile referring to hot seductive scenes in movies, but..wait, yeah i think I will. That scene from the notebook when mcadams and gosling pretty much rape each other..yeah I'll stop here.

I love Russians

Russians rule and reign supreme. Reaching levels of requisitions and reproaches to reprimanded regal rulers.

Okay I dont have the vast vocabulary to write a 200 word paragraph with nearly every word starting with "r", like that speech in V for vendetta with all the V words. But yeah, I love russians, this feeling reinforced these past few days by my meetings with my russian teachers. Best teachers I've ever had. Ever. Not just cause they teach so well and effectively, but because as people they are just awesome, with such patience, understanding, quick wit, professionalism yet laid back...I've begun thinking bout moving to london after'd be perfect, 6 hour flight to DC, 3 hours to russia....and living amongst such a diverse population, with the russian exiles and entrepreneurs around the world and what not.

Plus right now I'm watching Love actually, this movie is awesome. so awesome.

The asian girl must die

I hate the stupid scrawny asian girl thats always in the library at noon time in between classes and is always using the computer to be on youtube for hours watching stupid asian videos. Every one else on a comp is using it for legit purposes, for example checking email and researching and what not. But not her, and shes there every friggin day. Sometimes I just stand directly behind her, seeing if i can channel all my rage and hate for her into concentrated laser beams from my eyes that penetrate through the back of her neck to sever her spinal cord, but in such a way that she instantly dies, but stays in the position she was in, so no one realizes shes dead till the library is about to close and the ahole of a librarian starts going around slamming all the chairs against the desk in such a way so that the metal legs of the chairs hit the foot rests under the desks which cause an annoyingly loud clank sound, and when you stare at him with the "wtc man, theres still 15 minutes, i'm just finishing this up but your ahole methods of prematurely closing the library totally screws up my train of thought"-look he just stares back at you with a smug face that says "pssh whatever, i do what i want when its 15 to 10"-look, so when he comes to the dead asian girl and seeing that shes not leaving, he'll just stand at the desk next to her, slamming the exact same chair against the desk over and over as that tactic always causes any studious students to leave immediately(disgruntled and plotting his death), but little does he know that I also planted a sound sensitive bomb in the asian girls spine(the concentrated laser beams fueled by rage can also materialize explosives), so the loud clanks he makes causes the bomb to blow up, but does not kill the ahole librarian, instead it only severs his Achilles heels and cuts his arms off, so he can never clank chairs least not in the smug ahole way he always did before in his glory days in the non-print media part of the library.

Seriously tho, if your gonna use the comps in the Hornblake library during class hours, you best be using 'em for school related purposes, as 36,000 kids go to college park, and theres only 10 comps in that library. Don't be a selfish butthole. Or I'll sever your spine, Children of the Corn style.

Monday, November 27, 2006

To Our Thousands of Readers

I know all of you must be completely distraught by now, but you must tell your self's to remain calm. Because in actuality we have no readers and I fear that my cohort who helped create this masterful piece of blog-etry has already given up on it. Like the great hero Achilles, this blog was destined to be stricken down in its prime, slain by a girlie Orlando Bloom. Who knows when the next post will be?!?

~ Aldana