Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dreams Are Never What They Seem (Failure Should Be Welcomed With Open Arms)

After a heavily philosophical and ethical debate with a certain Mormon, who will be referred to as Sparky for privacy concerns, I came upon this realization. If you are going to shoot for the stars, you might as well just shoot yourself in the foot because, hey, stars are extremely far away and you could never reach one by shooting yourself out of a cannon. I mean even if you did make it out of the atmosphere you would just be lost in the infinite void of space...forever. Don't listen to those crapheads who say shoot for the moon and if you miss you'll end up among the stars. First off, what the hell is on the moon anyways? Rocks and craters...maybe a flag, not a very good place to be. Second, what do the stars get ya...lots of solar radiation, thats what. You are way better off just working at McDonald's, having huge orgies with the 50+ yr old managers in the freezer at 3am. Maybe if you are a real go-getter, you can work at some place thats not fast food...but don't get your hopes up. It's like I always say "Real dreams of failure are a lot more attainable than false dreams of grandeur." You keep on going to BYU Sparky and someday, if you are lucky, you will be a demi-god among the carny-folk for your funnel cake making abilities.

...Oh and a note to ChristyBu: Your comments are much appreciated; Potter and I felt lonely with nobody commenting. And I too realized your birthday was like 5 days before mine and that you too turned happy belated birthday.



Anonymous said...

Haha, I thougth Daid was telling me I was mentioned in the most recent entry to get me to read it. But I see he's actually trustworthy afterall.
I know how lonely no comments can be, I've been living with it since Gore made the internet. And still living with it.
Funnel cake making abilities are nothing to sneeze at.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for all the typos. I'm sure yall can figure it out. I'm trying to type quietly, but it just makes me suck.

Hannibal Chew said...

I know all about typos as well, ever since I spilled iced tea on my keyboard, I have to punch my spacebar for it to work. Do try to make fun of David more in your comments, it makes me smile. Believe me, I know funnel cake making abilities are reserved only for the elite of our society...which is why I hold Sparky on a pedestal above all others.


Anonymous said...

Aldana, I can barely type because my hands keep wanting to clap because of that grand post. I could see our conversation splattered on the wall for all to see...and a single tear has fallen from my one good eye. Keep it up, and let everyone know that failure is your friend, while success is nothing more than a grade school bully in disguise
s PaRk Y