The bright moonlight casts a silver hue over the urban landscape. An ideal setting for lovers taking a late night stroll through the park, but disastrous for those on the run from...Him; as their shadow is too easily detected by the trained eagle eyes of...Him.
He, who sees one can hide from HimHe watches from above, on roofs and treetops; as well as below, masked by overgrown grass and trench-like ditches. His so called friends, have turned on Him, and try to lure Him out by desecrating His most prized possession, a sleek and beautiful all white Anduluvian horse, named "Deville".
Lucifer turning away as he mutters "oh com'n now wtf, thats just taking it too far"He watches as His 'friends' do unspeakably evil things to His beloved Deville, so unspeakable even Lucifer himself would mutter "oh wtf" as he turns away in disgust. His friends for sure thought this would bring Him out into the open, but He did not move from the grass. Therefore his friends thought He was not around at the moment, and began to walk away. Of course, this is what He wanted, as their guard had been let down and can more easily exact revenge upon them, one by one. He waits until all three of them get into a single car, and then, it begins...
The Ahole Trinity of 'Friends'He runs full sprint towards the car just as it is turned on, thus drowning out the sounds of his galloping footsteps, and leaps onto the roof of the car. None of the three 'friends' suspected that He had been the cause of the muffled pound sound on the roof of the car, thinking it was just a fallen twig. When the driver began to pull out of the lot, He revealed Himself to them, by looking into the car upside down through the windshield, and letting the tire-chains drop from his hands, making an unbearable screeching sound along the hood of the car. The three 'friends' in the car collectively spoiled themselves and instantly lost control of their wits and proceeded to all rush out of the car, all going off in different directions. "The hunt...begins" He said to Himself, as he smeared Indian war-paint onto his face with his thumb.
His first prey would be the Valois(pronounced Val-wall), a tall man with an appearance similar to the Unabomber, and just as charming and cunning...but not cunning enough. Valwois made the mistake of running into the basement of a building, thinking he'd for sure be safe in such an obscure location from the public eye. It was nearly pitch black, and had a murky smell. Valwois leaned against a wall to catch his breath, when the wall apparently gave-in to his weight, causing Valwois to fall into a puddle of stagnant water. Valwois looked up to realize he was not in fact leaning against a wall, but againt the rock hard body of He Himself. Valwois could not believe his eyes, and before he could scream for help, He silenced Valwois with a quick slit of the throat by means of a broken asian dvd disc. He was gone to pursue His next prey before Valwois had collapsed to the ground.
He with Valwois, right before exacting vengeance is dealt.Next to be visited by His vengeance, was a dirty trickster by the name of Justin. Justin is a fast and agile little bastard, but not fast enough to escape the inevitable. Justin felt he'd be safest by running through the woods back to his dwelling. Justin, however, is not one with the forest, and climbed into a tree to wait till daybreak to move on. Justin realized he wasn't alone, when he heard the word "slagula" being chanted over and over. Justin leaped out of the tree onto the ground and ran as fast as he could. But again every sound Justin heard set him off ease, causing him to face plant into a tree. Justin was dazed, but kept moving his legs in a running motion. Justin looked around and felt as though he was not moving forward, and thought it must be due to bumping his head. But then he looked down at his feet, and realized, they were not on the ground!! Justin looked behind him, and saw the He had attached a rope around his waist that lifted him into the air, unable to run. Justin gave up, ready to accept his fate, when he saw Him walking away, perhaps granting mercy upon his poor soul? Justin began to rejoice and thank Him for such compassion, when he noticed many small critters scurrying about. Rabbits!! Black rabbits with blood-red eyes began hopping furiously at Justin each taking a bite of his body until there was nothing left.
He, watching Justin pitifully try to find his way out of the forest in the darkLast but not least to be visited by Him, was Aldana. Aldana brought to reality the jumping in the Matrix. Aldana felt he'd be safest on the rooftops of the city, jumping from one roof to the next till he reached his home. As he was hopping along the roofs, he looked behind and saw another hopping figure. Its Him! Aldana quickened his pace, jumping over the roofs of two, three, sometimes even four buildings at a time. The distance between Aldana and Him grew larger and larger, till finally Aldana could no longer see Him. Aldana only had a few more blocks to go till he'd be safe, when he saw Him crawling over the ledge like the girl from the Ring crawling out the tv. Aldana turned to run but He had whipped out the tire tracks and caught hold of Aldana's ankles. Aldana was helpless, and faced a fate similar to that of Deville. Again, Lucifer muttered to himself "oh com'n, wtf is wrong with you people" as he turned away in disgust.
Aldana trying to escape Him on the rooftops