Top Ten Science Fiction Movies
Now a list of my most treasured Sci-Fi movies. Again, in no particular order, cept the first one, which will always be number 1 in my heart.
1. Bladerunner
2. Gattaca
3. Alien
4. Terminator 2
5. Solaris
6. 12 Monkeys
7. Dark City
8. Predator
9. A Scanner Darkly
10. Flatliners
This is the definitive epitome of sci-fi movies. Everything about it is great, directed by Ridley Scott and based off of a philip K. Dick novel-Do androids dream of electric sheep? The soundtrack, by Vangelis, is incredibly fitting to the style of the movie. It does a better job than most other movies at making one think of the value of life...if you do not like this movie, then you are trash. I haven't read the book, but I plan on it over this winter break, along with a ton of other Philip K. Dick novels.
A movie about the future of genetic-engineering, to create perfection in humans...eliminating diseases and all imperfections, and being genetically engineered in such a controlled environment from the womb, each individual knows exactly how many days they have left till their death. Ethan Hawke was born when this movement just began, and his parent's opted not to have him genetically engineered for perfection. Therefore, his dream of going into space is technically not possible due to his imperfect body. But still he tries, and takes on the identity of another man, Jude Law, who is useless to society because he became paralyzed from the waist down. Genetically though, he is perfect, and loaded with money and willing to help Hawke. And thus his pursuit to go into space begins, showing the human spirit has no limits.
The soundtrack is amazing for this movie as well, composed by Michael Nyman. And the cinematography having the great sterile look to it, as most modern sci fi movies do.
The soundtrack is amazing for this movie as well, composed by Michael Nyman. And the cinematography having the great sterile look to it, as most modern sci fi movies do.
Another classic by the great Ridley Scott, by far the best of all the Aliens movies. Subtle and atmospheric...supposedly being the first movie to portray people in space as regular joe schmoes, and not perfectly groomed and ivy league educated elites. What I love about this movie is the slow build up and the vulnerability and fear portrayed by the crew members.
While I thought James Cameron ruined the Alien series with Aliens, by focusing soley on the action and special fx it and having no character development..T2 was far superior to the first by having great character development to intensify the incredible action scenes. Not that the first one didn't have good character it did...T2 just had a much better and more involving storyline than the first. And of course better fx and direction.
And Linda Hamilton is smokin' hot in it. So hardcore in it. mhmmm. Probably the best heroine in a movie...not these pansy pushover looking heroines so prevalent today like all the female characters in the xmen movies(cept jean grey).
And Linda Hamilton is smokin' hot in it. So hardcore in it. mhmmm. Probably the best heroine in a movie...not these pansy pushover looking heroines so prevalent today like all the female characters in the xmen movies(cept jean grey).
I never saw the original, and don't plan to anytime soon as it seems too old and slow and boring with crappy 60s cinematography, which wouldn't matter, cept I generally associate sci-fi movies with great cinematography, at least in the case of sci-fi movies involving outerspace. Solaris is a slow movie, so watch it when your sick or something and in a comatose mood to fully appreciate. Otherwise you'll probably hate thats part of the reason I think I liked this movie so much, cause I was sick and could watch this movie passively as I came in and out of consciousness and not miss really any of the story line.
With that said, all I remember is Solaris was a planet, that had effects on the crewmembers, by incarnating people from the past. For George Clooney, it was his dead wife...or ex-g/f...I can't remember. But I remember its main theme dealt with love and loss, and it was well done. I can't remember why.
With that said, all I remember is Solaris was a planet, that had effects on the crewmembers, by incarnating people from the past. For George Clooney, it was his dead wife...or ex-g/f...I can't remember. But I remember its main theme dealt with love and loss, and it was well done. I can't remember why.

Crazy Terry Gilliam, of Monty Python fame, directed this movie with Bruce willis and Brad Pitt. Its a time travel movie, where Willis is sent back in time to find out who or how a disease was released that wiped out nearly the entire human population, causing the survivors to live underground. A very different movie, as to be expected by Terry Gilliam, with great performances by all actors involved, and gives its own set of rules for time travel.

Ah man, I love this movie so much. I didn't see it till about a year ago, and after watching it I was pissed that I hadn't watched it years ago. I'd pass it often in the movie store for years, just never feeling in the mood to give it a chance. But when I finally did, I was blown away. Its basically about an alien race thats dying out, that has abducted some humans to live in a city where the aliens have complete control over. At night, they implant memories into some of the humans, to make then into murderers, husbands with families, or popular celebrities...and then change the structures of the city, all for the purpose of finding out how the human soul works, or to discover its essence, in the hope that once they discover its essence, they'll be able to save their race. See this movie immediately.
Classic Sci-Fi movie...this movie will always have a place in my heart. Anyone who says otherwise is an emo-douche or pretentious english major...aka my roommates.
Another great movie based on a Phillip K Dick novel. Really the only sci-fi elements of this movie is that its in the future, and has narc cops that wear scrambler suits, so no one can recognize who they truly are. Its directed by Linklater, so it features his trademark animation style, whatever its called. Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey Jr have some great scenes of funny dialog.
A couple other movies made from Phillip Dick novels were I, Robot; and Minority Report. I liked both those movies as well, as I loved their main themes and ideas. As movies themselves though, I didn't find them that engaging as A Scanner Darkly or Bladerunner were. Hopefully the books will be great, I've read that Phillip Dick has a crazy style of writing, and that may turn off some readers.
A couple other movies made from Phillip Dick novels were I, Robot; and Minority Report. I liked both those movies as well, as I loved their main themes and ideas. As movies themselves though, I didn't find them that engaging as A Scanner Darkly or Bladerunner were. Hopefully the books will be great, I've read that Phillip Dick has a crazy style of writing, and that may turn off some readers.

Again, my weakness for 80s movies prevails. This one features Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, and one of the Baldwin Bros. They're all med school students that kill themselves temporarily to see what life after death is like. Their venture into the afterlife tho brings back a sin from their past that they have not made amends for. I loved this movie...I guess when I watch movies the things I watch for most are its main themes, and this movie's theme of redemption and forgiveness for past misdeeds was really well done and original in its execution.
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