T-Shirts I wish I saw worn in public
Well, on second thought I don't think I'd actually want to see this shirt on someone in public, as I'm about 100% sure a vapid alcoholic frat boy would be the one wearing it. Other than that fact, this shirt would be great to see occasionally while walking through the city or something.
Ah this shirt is so incredibly witty, in fact, too witty for its own good. Its made its round through all the internet sites, especially the gaming ones, thus over-exposing it and rendering it a gimmick instantaneously so that again, due to its sexual innuendo, only a tool of a fratboy would be seen wearing it. Then again, I have yet to see this shirt in public, either proving my above theory, or because no one feels worthy enough to wear it.
I couldn't find the site that showed this exact picture as a t-shirt, so if anyone finds it, link it in the comments. This shirt would be great to see in public, because its not related to sex or alcohol at all, therefore canceling out most frat boys, and it makes fun of emos, therefore I'd most likely like the person wearing this shirt.
<-----hilarious. This is my personal favorite, cause its creepy as hell. I can see it now, a guy wearing this shirt, a girl staring at it intently, telling the guy to stop moving so she can read it....her train of thought goes something like this "I take the "the"out of psychotherapist? hmm..psycho..rapist..omg! creep!" then she looks up to see the guy's crazy face with a huge ear-to-ear smile going "mmmmhmmmm" like Billy Bob in Slingblade.
I'm sure you've all seen all or most of these shirts before. But never in such a nice compilation with great commentary on the side. Obviously all but 1 t-shirt listed here is from tshirthell.com
1 comment:
You psycho rapist!
The dough boy one is my favorite.
The rating one is funny.
The first one is dumb. BAD CHOICE, DAVID.
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